
Ashley • Mommy to a beautiful baby girl born May 26th! Second beautiful girl born April 30th! 💜💜 #girlmom

I had an appointment yesterday at 36+5 weeks. I’m due May 9th. Part of me was hoping we could induce soon as I’m very uncomfortable and in pain. But I fully understand baby needs to stay in as long as possible. However I did get an induction date of May 3rd! My OB is off on the 2nd and leaves the 4th for a week in Mexico. What are the chances I deliver on the same day I’m induced? I was induced with my first and it took 18 hours. So I know it’s possible but I’d like my OB to be the one to deliver my baby since she didn’t deliver my first.

I’m excited to have a date but also a little sad that it’s still over 2 weeks away. I wanna meet this sweet girl and get her out of my body! Lol. Anyone else get a date yet?