TTC?! Period is late?!

My period was scheduled to start the 11th, in which I only had spotting once when I wiped, then nothing. 3rd day comes and spotting again, only once when I wiped. Fast forward to the 7th day, spotting stopped completely on the 3rd and still nothing.

I have had cramping and sore breasts since the 11th, but period has yet to come.

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for the past 5 years and have never had any luck. We are currently doing testing, in which DH has low testosterone and high LH and FSH levels so viable sperm is most likely not there during ejaculation.

So here I am so confused, also hoping for a miracle, but in reality I already know that the possibility is not there without going through

<a href="">IVF</a>.

I took a HPT in which it came out negative. I've always been on time with Aunt Flo, so this is just freaking me out.

If not pregnant, what would cause a period to not show up?

Should I take another HPT in a couple days?
