Has anyone else’s “friends” just been shitty while pregnant?

Okay, so before I was pregnant my bf, his best friend, fiancée and I would all hang out and do stuff together very often.

They got pregnant 2 weeks before us. Unintentionally.

I feel like she’s been in competition with us this whole time. (We are 24, been together for 4 years. She is 19 and they’ve been together, including marriage for almost 2 years.)

Every time we’ve invited them out they don’t come because she’s “sick.” And we aren’t the only group of friends they do this to. She’s always expecting everyone to come to her and just sit at her parents house where they live.

Well my baby shower is this weekend. Her husband (bf’s best friend) said they couldn’t make it because her mucus plug came out. NOW, I know that they can come out and regenerate through pregnancy so I knew that wasn’t completely a lie.. until a few days later we were at the best friends sisters house. He was talking about how he was going to go fishing and basically just do the most this weekend. I guess not realizing it was the weekend of our baby shower.

There’s another set of friends of my bf’s. This other set of friends said they were going to come, but I got a message from that friends fiancée the other day saying how her grandpa is in the hospital and her brother is flying in so they’re going to see him before he “dies.” I believed that, because why and who would just make that up.

So today, 3 days before the shower the best friend tags the other friend in a post on Facebook and the fiancée comments on it and says “you guys should do this for us this weekend” speaking for herself and the best friends wife.

So immediately I get so frustrated. First off, I do not care one bit if you aren’t coming to the baby shower. You aren’t my friend, so it doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is she made up that her grandpa is in the hospital DYING as an excuse. I would have rather her just said she didn’t want to come???

I’m at the point where I want to say something, to both of them but I would also rather just delete them all off of anything I have and just clean the toxicity out of my life.