

4/14 at 38-6 weeks.. I had a normal morning and started to have on/off back pain in the afternoon. This turned into inconsistent contractions 30s every 10 minutes 2-3 times and then stopping for a couple of hours and restarting the same way. Midnight hits and contractions start again every 5-7 minutes staying consistent and eventually increasing in intensity. By 2:30am I had left a message for the OB to see if she wanted me to come in. By 3:30 the contractions were 3-4 minutes apart. OB called back to have us go in. By the time I got triaged and put on the monitor it was 5:15am and I was told that I'm 2 cm and -3 station 60% effaced. We were told to go walk for 2 hours and then come back to get checked again. 1/2 hr of walking later the contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and very intense. By 7:15am we were back in the triage room begging for an epidural, 4.5 cm and getting admitted. Anesthesiologist was taking his time reading through my chart, nurses were getting my IV in and IV fluids and Antibiotics for the GBS+. And the contractions hurt so much that I kept tossing and turning in the triage stretcher. Out of nowhere, my water breaks and I get a sudden urge to push. Resident checks me and 2 minutes later the L&D team is wheeling me into the delivery room. 8:48am my beautiful baby boy is on my chest skin-to-skin and my husband and I are the happiest people on earth. All the pregnancy pain, stress, labor pains, and 3 different types of stiches down there are all worth it for my little prince. FTM btw so nobody was expecting me to progress as quickly and as well as I did, including me 😮