Baby measuring small


So my babe is like 2 pounds under the normal weight. Which I know the scans can be off a little bit. But my doctor scheduled another ultrasound at 38w1d which will be next Friday. She’s concerned my placenta might not be working as it should. Hooked me up to the stress test and everything looked good for that day, so I went home.

Now I’ve lost 4 pounds in a days time and I’ve been eating like crazy but I’m on low carb high protein no simple sugar diet because I have an insulin resistance while pregnant. Anyone else going through this? Should I call and tell them I lost weight? I was told that you could either lose weight or stay at the same weight during the last few weeks of pregnancy and that’s normal so I’m not 100% sure if that’s something to call on. Only reason I’m considering is the placenta concern 🤔