HELP! Severe male factor infertility

I feel like I'm drowning and don't know what to do. Maybe someone here has has some experience that can help us
I'll try to summarize. We're doing <a href="">IVF</a>. Round #1 created 5 embryos but no pregnancy. 
Started out in January with 3 million sperm. Sluggish and all that. 
Hubby took supplements to increase. 
Few months later, next test said 1.5 million. 
Stopped supplements as clearly they weren't helping. 
Started half pill of clomid (25) two weeks before egg retrival. Had to give TEO samples day of retrival but ended up fertilizing five eggs with ICSI. 
Urologist said his low-ish testosterone has gone up and increased clomid to 25 a day. 
**he has now been on clomid for close to two months. 
Early this week he gave a sample for freeze for our second <a href="">IVF</a> cycle- doctor said THERE WAS NOTHING IN THAT SAMPLE. 
HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO GO FROM 3 million sperm to zero in a few months?!?! he is otherwise healthy. He has been checked for everything routine.  No infections, no trauma
 We are at a loss. 😭