Rape baby

My son is turning 12 soon and there is no one left but me who knows the truth about him. I was married when he was conceived, but his "father" was in jail and i was raped by one of his friends. I told my husband at the time what happened and he happily claimed the child.

Eventually our marriage fell apart. He never told anyone i was raped, but started denying that my son was his. He spread rumors about me being a slut and a million other things. The courts denied him a dna test over and over so he never proved anything.

He died last year at 34, and apologized on his death bed. Said he chose to be a father and he should have continued even after we fell apart.

The truth behind my son eats at me. It hurts him his father wasn't involved and denied him, but would it be worse to tell him he was the result of a rape?? Would that give him closure to his father's behavior?? I don't really know how to deal with the situation. Maybe since his father is dead and it'll never come up again i should just let it go.

And yes I've thought of the medical history issues that could arise. His father didn't know how family history anyway, and all this time later i only remember the first name of the guy who raped me so either way that's a moot point....

Literally no one except me knows now.....