Low dose Gonal >IUI >Progesterone cycle

Elyse • 38 yrs old. 1 missed miscarriage at 8 weeks. TTC 14 mos since our loss. 6 failed IUIs. 1st IVF 12/7/15. FET 01/21/16. FINALLY PREGNANT!!!!!!!
Been on Gonal 50 iu since day 3. Today is cd9 and went in for blood and ultrasound. Only had 1, ONE!!!! viable follicle. Was 16.5mm today. Will go back tmrw or sat depending on bloods for trigger, then <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> the following day. Feeling a little discouraged that I only produced 1. I had more with clomid!!!! Any words of encouragement.... Need all the positivity I can get.