Lukewarm Relationship?

Ok. Here's the dealio- I've been in a relationship for almost the past 3 years with my wonderful high school sweetheart. He's fantastic and kind and just about my best friend. While I enjoy being in a relationship with this guy and having someone there for me, I've started getting more and more uncertain about how I feel. I'll have ups and downs with how I feel, little things he does that never bothered me before drive me nuts and I'm quick to snap at him when my temper flares. Our sex life is barely existent and I very rarely ever feel up to doing anything or even kissing even though we used to be all over each other. He's still head over heels and far too nice and patient with my bad attitude and lack of interest in sex and I feel like I'm far too frequently unreasonable because of my uncertain feelings. All the while I've been realizing that I'd like to maybe try dating different guys instead of staying in one relationship during my whole college experience. He's my safety blanket and my best friend and the last thing I want to do is hurt him and lose his friendship. I'm afraid to break up but I'm don't want to drag him through this relationship when I know I don't feel the same way all the time, and where he isn't always treated very well by me. I don't want to lose such a good person but I don't want to miss out on experiences I could have 
So here's the deal:
Help me out ladies. What do you think? What would you do? Would you stay and work on the relationship or would you take the plunge and break up?
I'm sorry I'm making you all read this novel I just typed but I felt like I needed some advice from an outside source.