My crazy birth story!! (Long)


My due date was April 5th, I was more than uncomfortable and ready to meet my little man so I was scheduled to be induced at 39+4. Got a call the night before that they had to reschedule to the next day and I was upset but just held my head high that I would meet my baby in another 24 hours! Fast forward to Wednesday when I was supposed to go in 4 hours before the time they told me to be there and they called me AGAIN that the hospital was full and short staffed and had to reschedule me to SUNDAY NIGHT 😭 I’d be 3 days over due and I was beyond devastated... I bawled the whole day. Well fast forward to Sunday and I finally made it to the hospital and was ready to meet my little man! Picture below of my hubby and I once I was settled

I got cervidile because I was only 50% thinned and 1cm dilated, after I got that they told me it most likely won’t do to much and I’ll have another dose in 6 hours. So I got up and walked a mile around the maternity floor (44 Laps) after I was done I went back to my room to check on contractions. I was contracting one after another not even a minute apart on top of each other so they had to give me medicine to slow the contractions down a bit. Fast forward about an hour my baby’s heart rate started to drop with every contraction and the nurse was very concerned so she called my doctor and he rushed in and said he wanted to break my water to see if it’d help. I had BARLEY any fluid 😩 (4cm dilated) my contractions went 0 to 100 real quick talking about pain so I got an epidural. baby’s heart rate got better then about 45 minutes later started to drop again. They decided then that they had to put two internal heart rate monitors inside by my uterus and one on the baby’s head (they retried 3 times to get it right on his head) and tried to put some artificial fluid back around the baby.. and hour later my doctor still wasn’t happy with his heart rate and came in and suggested c-section. I agreed because I wanted him to be okay and my blood pressure was low and I felt awful.. hubby got dressed and we headed to the OR. Went in at 9pm Sunday he was born at 7:24 on Monday💞💞💞

8.5 lbs 20 1/2 inches long with a head FULL of hair!

My whole entire world! 🌍

(Ps: turns out his umbilical cord was wrapped around his foot causing his heart rate to drop)