Isabella’s Story! Warning it’s kinda long!


Me and my fiancé had been trying for 2 years to have a baby after our first miscarriage. I started thinking it wouldn’t happen anytime soon so I gave up. June 26th marked being a week late. I was use to being up to a week or two late and so I stopped taking test but this time was different I had been feeling sick to my stomach. So I ran up to the store while he was asleep and grabbed a test the only one who knew I was doing it was my older sister Crystal. I came home and took the test with my sister on the phone and I cried when it came back within seconds pregnant. I ran and jumped on the bed and he jumped up I threw it in his face and he started crying asking if it was for real. I tested my mom and my other siblings to let them know then my best friends while he called his sister and mom to tell them. His dad and step mom were coming over later that day so we were gonna wait ( we were out of state working with his dad that’s why we had to call and text our other family and friends) I waited until 1:30 that afternoon and took the second one just to make sure just I was in disbelief. It came back within seconds just like the first one. When I went back to see when I got pregnant it showed I ovulates on my fiancés birthday and we had sex that night and we hadn’t had sex for a week or a week after. I had been joking how funny it would be if I got pregnant on his birthday and sure enough I did. Since I was out of state I couldn’t make an appointment with an OB and I kept working but I wasn’t allowed to do anything but take money from customers. I did go to the hospital at 14 weeks pregnant and got checked out and confirmed pregnancy. In October we came home to our state and my mom already had an appointment for me at an OBGYN. October 16th I went and heard my babies heartbeat for the first time. They were sending me to a high risk dr cause I was 22 weeks pregnant and hadn’t had no prenatal care( I had been taking prenatal vitamins the whole time!). October 30th I went to the high risk and got an ultrasound and I seen my baby for the first time she had her legs closed and it took 40 mins to get her to open her legs and show us if she was a girl. I already knew I had been saying the whole time it was a girl I just had a feeling. They also found her umbilical cord was connected to the side of the placenta and not the middle so now I was high risk for that cause it can cause low weight babies so I would be seeing them a day before each OB appointment. Well when I was 15 I got hit from behind while walking down the road by a truck and broke my right hip and my left pelvis bone so I was also high risk for this too. My Midwife pulled my records and looked at my x-rays and determined I could not have her naturally like I wished. I had to be scheduled for a c-section. December 15th I met the OB who would be doing my c-section and she wanted to make sure I had to have one so she pulled my X-rays again and looked at them herself and said she’d have her nurse call me later. Around 4 that afternoon I got called and told my c-section would be February 18th. My family wanted her born February 14th cause my sister crystals boy is feb 15th and my brothers boy is feb 13th so they seen it as our little girl should be between the boys. But my due date was February 23rd and the dr said the latest it could be is the 16th. Well I had dilated one cm at 28 weeks and I stayed 1 cm dilated the whole time from then. My fiancée family lived 1 in half hour from mine and I stayed with his family but after my baby shower on Jan 26th I stayed with my mom. February 5th my hips started hurting a lot but it would come and go randomly. February 7th my mom had a busy meeting as she is a RGM and would be back on the 9th that afternoon. Well I had an ultrasound that day my sister Crystal took me to. When there the dr warned me to go to the hospital if anything happens even just a little leaking to go. I thought they told that to every anyone I was 37 weeks 5 days... my sister took me back to my other sisters house where me and my mom moved so my sister and her gf could help me with the baby while she was working. Later that afternoon hm hips started hurting worse then before it felt like they were broke again. My mom told me to time it as if it was contractions I told her the dr told me contractions would be in my stomach or back not my hips. Well I started taking them and the pain would come every 6-9 mins and then they started happening every 2-3 mins and my sister Crystal was on her way to take me to the hospital to get checked. My sister Sarah helped me to the bathroom and I peed and there was blood I started to freak but I didn’t cry I just begged my sister to take me to my room to pack a bag. I went and got me some clothes and I grabbed a few clothes for the baby in case she came. My sister got there took me to the hospital and they all thought I was in false labor the nurses told me I would probably be going home. Well I peed for them and then they got an IV in me. 5 mins later I told my sister I had to pee and the nurse said she was going to check me cause I just gave them a big sample she wanted to see if the baby was on my bladder... she pulled the covers over and she asked if I peed myself I said no and she checked and her eyes got big and she said your 7cm and fully effaced I said what does that mean and she ran out and my sister called my mom and I was crying or nothing I was just in pain. Next thing 2 nurses ran in and 2 drs and a lady with papers for me to sign. The nurses started preparing me and I signed the papers and my mom was talking to me and I started crying cause my mom was suppose to be in the room with me when I had her. And she was trying to find a way home she was 2 hours away. My mom told me my sister would be taking her place. 5 mins later the dr who was on call came in to check me and I was 10cm but they knew I couldn’t have her naturally so they rushed me to the room got my sister ready and gave me the spinal blockage. It felt like forever the dr told my sister to get her phone ready that the baby was about to come out she stood up and screamed omg and I freaked screaming what and she said she looks just like you did when you were born( my sister was 14 and in the room when I was born). She was born February 7th at 11:58pm weighted 6 pounds 12oz and was 20 1/4 inches long. She didn’t cry they popped her and she cried out and went silent again after cleaning her up a little and weighing her they undid my arms and let me hold her. After a few mins the nurse said they were going to take her to the nursery while I got finished up. We were discharged February 10th but she had dropped down to 6 pounds 1oz so they wanted that watched very carefully. She gained it back well and is now 10 pounds and 22.50 inches long. I now have a healthy 10 week old baby who is the light of my eye and worth everything I went thru!

Her when she was born!

Her now at 10 weeks old!

I also forgot to put in there that when we found out she was a girl my fiancé’s dad and step mom told us they were pregnant too but we’re having a boy. In 2016 when she told me she wanted at least one more I joked about us being pregnant at the same time. Turns out we were 4 days apart I was due February 23rd and she was due February 27th. I had Isabella February 7th and she had her son February 12th.

This is them together!