Doctors recommendations 🙄

Kay ✨

I’ve tried my very hardest to follow all of the doctors recommendations. You name it, I’ve given my best effort to do it.

Today I called my pediatrician for a sun screen recommendation. I know you should avoid certain ingredients common in pregnancy so I just wanted to check in with a nurse to make sure I don’t need to follow any similar guidelines for my baby.

The nurses response was “well the recommendation is that babies under two shouldn’t spend time outside but I have no sunscreen guidelines.” WHAT?!

My boy LOVES being outside... we live in Utah, it’s 78 today and beautiful. I make sure he’s in a lightweight long sleeve shirt, pants, and a sun hat when we go outside, but like to put some sun screen in his face, nose, and hands for added protection. Also... he stays in the shade or under his shaded stroller. I’ve just never heard of such a thing, and you want to bet we will be enjoying the pool once it warms up a little more.

Gah 🙄

Anyway ... here’s a picture of our afternoon hike in the great OUTDOORS. What a wicked mother I am 😂