Vendor grabbed my boobs


Yesterday at work, a vendor that has been somewhat infatuated with me grabbed my boobs. My manager never had me fill out a sexual harassment form. She told me to point him out tomorrow(today) but my bil(also a manager) had her look over the cameras yesterday. She saw that it was blatantly obvious he grabbed my boobs. She told my bil and that she will call the vendor's boss. My bil updated me last night and said the vendor will be finding another job. While that is great(somewhat), I don't know much detail about everything. I only know what my bil told me. I think it's messed up she hasn't brought it up to me. She came into work today and she acted like nothing happened. I can't help but feel like the proper procedures weren't done. Does anyone have any experience? I'm lost..

Also, she was telling my bil how mad she was that I didn't tell her sooner. Mind you, I went her office right after it happened and told her I need to speak to her when she gets a chance. She was with another manager and a person from corporate so I didn't get a chance to tell her until a couple hours later. I did report it to my bil, though. That just made me feel shitty, and mad.

Sorry this is all over the place. If anyone needs clarification I will be happy to give it.