Family kissing baby


When did you let extended family kiss your baby (not on lips, of course)? My baby is 8 months old. Since birth, we've made it clear that we prefer "NO kisses" but my aunts and uncles (baby's great aunts & uncles) continue to disregard my wishes. They'll be holding her and then give her a big kiss on the head, arm, back, or leg and then laugh and say, "I'm sorry but I just HAD to kiss her!!" I find it so disrespectful that they do it right in front of my husband and I when they know we've asked them not to kiss her. It honestly makes me want to avoid visiting them.

Anyone been in a similar situation? How did you handle it?

Also, I know it's practically harmless for people to kiss my baby as long as it's not on the lips, but I'm not a fan of it.