I am not sure what to do?

so, my bf won't talk to me and I don't even know if the relationship is over. So I work for my bfs mom, and her sister works there as well. Her sister and I are kinda close and we kinda vent to each other. My bf and I go through a lot and when he gets angry he kinda slaps me. One day I was crying because my bf sent me a very mean text and I was crying and the sister happened to come to the office and I vented to her.. basically saying no matter what he did I stayed by him. Same thing with the receptionist, I vented to her sometimes because it was usually just me and her at the office.

So last week, the sister and my bfs mom ran into each other, and was saying things like I am not focused in my job because of my relationship and that I am taking advantage of this job because I know her mom and dating her son. WHICH IS NOT TRUE! I DO MY JOB. even her sister defended me said, no she does her job, but she also said you need to talk to your son and tell him to not slap her when he gets mad. GUYS, HIS MOM KNOWS THAT. I'VE TOLD HER SO MANY TIMES, AND EVEN HIS GMA TOLD HER THAT TOO. so apparently she calls my bf and yells at him, and I get a text from my bf with a middle finger. apparently she told him that I am telling his business to ppl she knows, and that she is embarrassed, and that she does not like it.. bleh bleh bleh. Basically telling him he needs to break up with me.

Guys, if she knew my bf and I aren't in good terms already, and his mom already knew everything was going on, why would she all of a sudden have to call him and make this situation worse? Now bf this I am telling his business to everyone which I wasn't, and was only venting. they are both making me feel like i am the worst person for venting.. and put things in my bf's head. I don't know what to do you guys. I don't even know if I am supposed to apologize to him, when I was only venting. What did I do wrong? Now he probably never wants to see me again or talk to me again for just venting. I swear on everything I love, I never meant to make him look like a bad person, or that she was a bad mom. I never even thought like that. I dont even know if its my responsibility to fix this or do I just let it be. I don't know.

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Posted at
I didn't read all this, but...you need to get away from your abusive boyfriend. Period. End of story. The best thing you can do is be dumped by him, then get some help for why you think this is a good situation. You are building a life on unhealthy, dangerous behavior.


Posted at
If he hits you when he is angry and makes you cry repeatedly, he is a bad person and his mother is a worse person for possibly encouraging it. I’d leave him first. He doesn’t love you. You don’t abuse people you love. He just loves the control you allow him to have over you. I’d get out before his dumbass sends you to the hospital or worse, because shit like this only escalates. I would also file a police report, that way, if anything were to happen, his ass would be on its way to jail. Your “man” (he’s not really a man) is trash.


Posted at
Girl, get out of that abusive relationship ASAP! If he slaps you, no matter how tiny or harmless you think it is, that’s aggressive behavior and it will only continue and eventually escalate. He has clearly shown he’s got no respect for you and will not stop abusing and controlling you, this needs to stop. Please do it before he does greater harm to you!


Posted at
My ex wife was abusive to me for 2+ years. I told her mother and her sister, they backed me, called her told her to quit. I go him and it escalated. You need to leave now before it gets real bad.


Posted at
Your friends are there to vent to. His mom intervined for a reason, hes angry with you because he got in trouble. Hes taking it out on you, that is never acceptable, no matter the situation. I told my fiance I hated his mom, he was calm and irratated but never said anything demeaning, nor did he even attempt to hurt me. That is respect at the deepest. He doesnt respect you, respect comes with love, so I don't think you have a future with him. You are wasting your precious time on him, he doesn't deserve you. And you deserve to be treated like a princess. Once he is out of your system you will realize how much better you are without him.


Posted at
You guys should be over. I would never tell anyone to leave a relationship.. but this is not healthy. No man should put their hands on a woman.