Crying over food rant 😭

LiLi • Mother of 2 boys & 👼🏼

So me and hubby ordered pizza from our favorite pizza restaurant today andddd they took exactly 2 hours to bring the pizza.. I called about 3 times in between 1 first time I called they said driver was late and give her a little more time But my food was already ready and waiting said okay cool 30 minutes go by I call again she’s still not here and I’m wondering if I can get some sort of discount or my pizza free because I was told 30-45 minutes wait

Time the girl ask the manager he says no because they are about to close and sounds angry 😑🤔 and then they said the driver left about 15 minutes ago with my food so it should be there and hot and to call back if it’s not.. so 30 more minutes go by.. I call back and tell them to keep the pizza and as soon as I hung up.. ding!! The pizza is here ......... I told her take it back.. now I wanted subway. So me and hubby go to get subway.. I write down what i want because I don’t always get the same thing... he goes in and orders the wrong sub 😭😭😭 I didn’t even notice until we were home.. why?? Why?? Why?? Ugh 😑