Braxton Hicks??

Cortney • Wife, boy mom of 2 humans and dog mom of 3 with a surprise bun in the oven!

I am 24 weeks today and for the past week or two I’ve been having spells of belly pain but it’s very sporadic. Tonight I just sat and watched my belly tighten up and contract and it took my breath away for about a minute because it was so uncomfortable. This is baby #3 so I feel like I should know if this is normal for Braxton Hicks but I never contracted with either of my other pregnancies as they were both born early (one at 27 weeks and one at 34 weeks) by emergency c-section. I hate to call my doctor at night to ask such a “basic” question but with my high risk history I’m also very nervous and anxious. I’m not worried about going into labor because there is no rhythm to these “contractions” but I’m just curious as to if these are BH or not. Thank you!