I’ll have a 5 month old next week😭 time fly’s


She began sitting up with support at 3 months (the picture in her boppy) she’s got it without support but still falls after a few minutes.. she rubbed one side of her hair out😂🤦🏽‍♀️, and she talks non stop, she’s been hitting and scratching to get her way (she’s spoiled and he daddy let her get her way all the time), laughs so much, and ahead in her growth curve and weighing in at 17.9 pounds and 24 inches long. My premie isn’t a premie anymore😩

Sona’Lei and I

Her and her daddy she’s holding her bottle for the first time.

Her and her daddy

First time at museum

Her first attempt to sit up

Her and her grandma she thinks she’s all hers.

Her and her god brother he’s a premie too he’s a month behind her. My babies😍