Help 🤠

So, all of my life I’ve been insecure about my body. I’m currently about to be a freshman in high school and I’m very excited. My parents got divorced when I was little and so I visit my dad and his family during the summer and my mom and her family during the school year. I don’t want to do this anymore because last year, I walked out wearing a bathing suit (a very modest one piece because I’m very fragile and self conscious 👌) and my grandmother said “girls with my body shouldn’t wear bathing suits.” Mind you I’m not obese, I just have some lovely lady lumps that I should probably get sorted out at the gym. The same thing happened with my maternal grandparents later that year and I’m so done. I have double D’s in eighth grade and I’m 5’6 and 160lbs. Help, I won’t allow them to bring me down again.