He Lost control

So last night after an amazing day my partner of 2 years started acting strange. It was obvious he had taken something but every time I asked he denied it. Anyway fast forward afew hours after he had passed out he started choking on his false teeth (even tho he's 40 all his top teeth are false) so I get up 2 try and help him then out of know where he puts both his hands on my belly (I'm 28 weeks pregnant with his child) and pushes me over the coffee table. After that I left him 2 it and went 2 bed where I would be safe. Once he got up this morning asking what had happened I explained to him about how out of it he was he completely lost it again with me screaming every name under the sun at me then he left and hasn't even bothered with me since. I am so broken! Before he left he tried 2 deny taking anything and put all the fault on me because I'm a bad person! Feeling so lost right now as I am miles away from all my family and friends with no money or even food.