Argument with husband

My husband has spent the day drinking, not drunk but had a few. He was just invited out by his mates and said he didn't know what to do. I told him I didn't mind, my daughter (13yo) and I were just going to chill and watch tv together. He then decided to stay in, not influenced by me. The show my daughter and I were watching finished and I just said "do you mind if we watch another?"... He then snapped at me and said "ugh I just don't know what I'm gonna do then while you watch it!"... I said "fine, what do you want to watch then?"... He started having a go about how he "gave up" his invitation out to stay in with us and why did he have to be the one to decide what to watch... my daughter said she didn't want to sit in that environment and went upstairs. He then blamed me and kept on having a go. I did argue back. He then twisted it around as if I was the one being unreasonable because now I was "looking for an argument" and said I love any excuse to have a go. Then he said I always "get like this a couple of days before you're due on"!!!!!! Not that it matters but I'm not even due on for over a week, how can I be married to such a misogynistic pig?! I'm absolutely fuming.