Announced and morning sickness went away...


I admit, I was really nervous about telling some of my family members because my other kids are teenagers and I haven’t been with my SO very long (1 year in March). We’re also unmarried and I have a very religious family so I knew some people would be unhappy and judgmental about it. I had made the decision that I wouldn’t care about how they felt but I’m close with my family so I did worry anyway, and was really dreading telling certain people.

Anyway, I had terrible morning sickness. I was diagnosed with hg at 13 weeks after losing more than 10% of my body weight. I was really sick 😫

I told my family last weekend, and I haven’t even felt nauseated since then. I think stressing about how they were going to react was actually making me sick! I wish I would have spilled the beans earlier now 😂