Just wanna share my journey

I'm 35 and have 3 children. We had been trying since April! Month after month of bfn's were a huge let down. I had testing done. All was fine. Had a HSG test done and I finally got pregnant the following month. My bfp was the only month since April that I didn't use OPK's or stress a sex schedule/tracking. Not sure what one helped but I wanna say both did. Also I had no pms symptoms. Usually my boobs hurt after I O but they didn't this time. My cm was slippery for days so never knew when I O'd as breasts didn't hurt and cm didn't go creamy like usual ever. My period was late by 4 days before I got a solid BFP. So I ovulated late! PLEASE Stay faithful it will happen. I promise! I know it's easier said tha done but I finally believe that statement. Good luck to all and thank you for the support and this group.