Help with Sleep 😭


So everything I’ve read online about this is just saying that this is just a phase and we can’t do anything about it but I’d like your thoughts. Here’s the rundown:

18 week old used to sleep through the night in his rock n play.

We ditched the rock n play completely 3 weeks ago and stopped swaddling him. He now wears a nested bean sleep sack at night and sleeps in a pack n play in our room.

We haven’t gotten more than 3 hours out of him at a time since. We start laying him down for bed around 8:30 every night and he doesn’t stay asleep after we lay him in his pack n play until around 10:15/10:30.

From 8:30 to 10:30 it is just an up and down:

He falls asleep in our arms, we lay him down, he immediately wakes up. Over and over and over.

Then he will sleep for 2-3 hrs and do it all over from around 1-3. Falls asleep at 3/3:30 and I have to be up for work around 4:45.

We have tried laying him down while drowsy, laying him down after holding him for 20 min, after 40 mins, making sure he’s really full before we lay him down, we use a sound machine, we let him wind down and give him a bath before bed time.

My husband and I both work and I’ve been late to work almost every day the past 3 weeks because I’m so exhausted.

I’ve heard about using a T-shirt as a mattress cover so it smells like us and warming up the room. Is this truly just a phase?