Everyone's a critic.


If I had a nickle for everytime I say that every baby is different, I wouldn't have to go back to work! It's amazing how many opinions people have about my baby. Or how people raise their babies and comparing one baby to another.

For example, at her doctors appointment last week, she measured in at 55 percentile in weight and 87th in height. The doctor was really happy at how healthy she was. Fast forward to the weekend. My husband's aunt looks at her and observes how small she is and seemed to be comparing her to her 5 month old cousin as if he was a porker but she is actually bigger than he is! Then later commented on how heavy she was when she held her. (It might all sound innocent but you'd have to know his aunt to know it's not innocent.)

Just shut the hell up. My baby is healthy and happy.

This is an Easter pick of Elizabeth and her cousin Oliver. Two normal healthy babies!!