Tips and luck please


So tips how do ebf moms put down baby. I’ve been nursing to sleep and want to know how you all do it he’s not ebf but nurses over night 6p-6a and I pump while at work.

Currently he may fall asleep by 7/8 pm but if I put him down he will wake. he won’t stay alseep in his bed before 1030pm and that’s way to late a bed time. Sometimes he is wide awake even at 9. This week we are working on a routine of. Ottawa/boob cereal bath or wipe down lotion massage story or song then top off and bed with the pick up put down comfort method Hoping to keep him in bed from 730/8pm until 11pm. Feed and then return.

Right now he nursed and we put him down and he worked into a fit so he is back to nursing

And suggestions or tips for me?