Anyone with or had partial placenta previa?


Yesterday my doctor called and said that my 20 week anatomy scan revealed that I have a partial placenta previa. She said it’s pretty common and that there could be no harm to me or my growing son, just the possibility of a c/“-section. However, I was really upset and disappointed at the thought of possibly not being able to have a vaginal delivery. Your body is supposed to do one thing and to think it could not be possible is really disappointing. Then my Aunt calls me and says she had a partial placenta previa as well when she was pregnant with my cousin. She said by 20 weeks she was bleeding and going into preterm labor which had to be stopped by medicine until she reached the end of her pregnancy. Hers also moved and she was able to have a vaginal delivery. But then I got really scared because my doctor only told me to go on pelvic rest (no sex) until we determine if it moves. My Aunt told me I should be laying in bed on bed rest, not working, bending, lifting, or exercising. She’s not a nurse but she been a respiratory therapist in a hospital for 25 years and experienced a partial placenta previa herself. I’m just really worried about it and was wondering if anyone else experienced this or has any advice!