Pregnant with Tourette’s


Tourette’s is literally one of the worst fucking things. Like. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Imagine walking down a hall or to the bathroom or ya know just fucking living your life peacefully and your whole body has convulsions and like you have to make these weird as noises and shit. And like scream. But you can’t scream cause it’s fucking night time. So your body just hurts because you can’t do a weird twitch that your body literally HAS to do. So then you can’t breathe and your body starts to hurt all over and just so much. It’s fucking sucks. Tourette’s suuuuuuuuuuuuck.

I also have this twitch where I have to punch myself in the stomach and like thighs and shit. Which obviously I have to force myself to not do because I have a baby in my body. Haha. So my body is constantly horribly tense and shit because I’m constantly forcing myself to not do something I need to do.

The worst of them happen at night tho when I should be sleeping like. Now to like idk in the a.m. sometime until whenever I fall asleep.

So like. Um. In conclusion. I hate Tourette’s and if you don’t have it. Honestly. I’m very jealous of you. And be grateful that you don’t have them. Especially sense mine is like super super minor. So it’s not even nearly as bad as it could be.

But for real. Be grateful. Because it fucking sucks and hurts and there’s literally no medicine or cure or whatever else to help it. So that’s super fun.