Subchorionic Bleed pray for me please!


I am 9weeks 4days as of this morning. Weeks ago while at my first appointment I went to the Dr and while using the ladies room saw bright red blood portions into the toilet. I had my check up and was told they saw no reason for the bleeding. I was told not to worry about it. It went away and days later came back as bright red blood on a pad. I thought hmmm... what is this?! Didn’t get checked but let the Dr. know. She reassured me it was fine because baby looked great last time. So, again I trusted and carried on as normal. Last week while at work. I’m a nurse, I went to use the restroom and was pouring our blood again into the toilet. Actually dripping bright red blood like a menses. I was so afraid I was losing the baby. I went to the ER to find a baby with a nice strong heartbeat of 165 but also a subchorionic hemorrhage. I’m so afraid. I have a follow up today, exactly one week later and I’m praying it’s healed although I don’t know that they heal that quickly. Please pray that I get to keep this baby. I have suffered 7 miscarriages and don’t want to lose another baby. We want to end our journey on a good note with a live baby in our arms. Please pray for us!