Well that just happened...

Ashley • Mom of boys 💙💙💙 due june 2019 with #3

At my appointment yesterday my doc measured me at 36 weeks. By my LMP I was only 34 but since baby was measuring big at my last US and my tummy is measuring big he is officially considering me 36 weeks. Which means Dominic is definitely NOT going to be a June baby after all. Doc told me as long as I am 37 weeks, due to some complications(I have a family history of big babies and my second was 10lbs), I can pick whatever day I want to be induced.

I’ve never been more excited and more nervous at the same time. Excited bc I get to pick my sons birthday and duh I’ll be having a new baby but nervous as hell bc it will be 3 weeks before we originally thought!!!

Doc confirmed chances of baby any any issues and needing extra care are slim to none especially after showing him my Glow tracker from back in August/September when I became pregnant. The amount of sexy time that happened between the day before my period ended to the following weeks tells him my ovulation was off and I got pregnant before the app thought I was ovulating. So yay.

So now I have to pick a bday for him. I’m thinking May 9th or 10th. 😬😬😬