Any plus size mommas ??

I am a new mom and I have always wanted those pictures that show your belly progress but I can’t do it. Idk but I always see cute belly pictures on here and wanted to see if anyone else is a plus size moms have my issue or idk I feel so ugly. And I think I just hate my body I lost 10lbs before I found out that I was pregnant. Felt good now they told me I shouldn’t is ugh.

Some back story I got into a big car accident in oct. 2016 fell into deep depression. But was also in a lot of pain from the accident so I couldn’t go to kickboxing anymore I was in to much pain. I couldn’t go to school my neck would lock in place and I couldn’t move until it relaxed. I gained about 80 lbs because of it. I was already trying to fight off my weight. I only was 167 I would love love to be back there. Now I am 230 and haven’t gained any weight since the baby I just feel upset because I was trying to lose weight to have a better life style before the baby came (got pregnant after switching birth control) (married) Idk I just need someone who understands my situation. To talk to.