Never had the flu, but I can imagine this is it


So I’ve never gotten the flu as I get my vaccine every year (I have brittle asthma so me and all my immediate family get it for free).

Flu vaccines came out a couple weeks ago and as always I wait a couple weeks in to get it so the vaccine will last through the thick of flu season. I’m sort of lucky as I didn’t spend the last 3 years around many people so I never had the chance of developing the flu,


Just about to book my shot for the next day WHEN I literally develop pain all over my body (feels like a kidney infection but EVERYWHERE). Got the green mucous. Fever. I slept for 17 hours straight the first day, woke up throwing up the little I had in my stomach and dry-heaving for hours after. It’s the third day of this and it’s so much worse than it was to begin with.

My skin hurts at the touch, I can barely lean my arm on a pillow or have my doona over me because it burns but I’m also so damn cold. I can’t even stand up without immense pain and it takes out literally all my energy. I get breathless for changing positions of my legs in bed.

Yet my parents won’t let me just rest because I otherwise get sinus/chest infections all the time 😭😖 this is absolutely not the same. I just got out of hospital for a kidney infection and I’m literally currently on antibiotics. My kidneys are back to aching like a bitch again. I have very little energy left for this crap, I can feel it 😓

Is this ain’t what the flu is, I never want the flu.