Do ovulation pains /actually/ mean anything?


So Easter Sunday I had a suuuper dark LH strip — no denying that bad boy was positive. I got it at 11:30am. Later that night, while watching GoT to be exact, I had awful pains on my ride side just above or around my hip; if anything it felt like the area was sore like if I walked into something but I know I hadn’t. Monday I felt very small pinches on either side, same with Tuesday but not as frequent & same thing Wednesday. Now, Thursday, the cramps are pretty dull off to the left. And pulling toward the right.

*trying not to symptom spot, trying not to symptom spot*

Do all these little cramps, pinches, pulls, twangs, and everything else actually mean ovulation occurred? Or is this just something we tell ourselves to make us feel better and help sleep at night? Lol