You can’t handle the truth?!?!?!

Ladies, I have a question. We all know the saying

“ the truth hurts” but does it heal ?

My bf and I have been together for about 4yrs now. He has admitted to cheating 3x. The most recent times was a few months back. He was talking to his sisters sister-in-law( his brother-in-laws sister). When we have an argument, it comes about him cheating. I have tried to not only forgive him but to move forward. But it has been really hard for me. Today, I told him I wanted to leave. He said he doesn’t want me to leave and asking what he can do to make it better. I have already told him about a yr ago what would help me and he laughed it off and said no. He wasn’t doing what I asked. So fast forward to now. I feel like I have already given him so much and I was the one apologizing when I shouldn’t have every time it came up. Just this last time when we had a conversation about moving forward and taking big steps like buying a house. I asked him to be honest with me bc I’m not feeling fully confident about myself and I wanted to hear the details about him cheating and all he would agree to saying was how many times. So it went nowhere. Here we are today, and I’m questioning myself am I asking for too much to hear the details about him talking to other girls and meeting up with them. (He did say he didn’t have sex with any of them). I feel like if I heard it all I could move on. I could quit doubting myself, him, and our relationship. Whether it breaks us up or we move on and continue. I want to hear it all. So ladies, I want to know am I crazy to want to hear the details..... THE TRUTH about him cheating? Or should I jus let it be? Find a different healing method? Other than to leave. Because I know I can do that even tho it may kill me to leave.