Amniotic fluid ?


I need to talk to someone or anyone with similar experiences..

I had an appointment today and the ultrasound tech said that at first that my fluid seemed low ( I’m 29 weeks 3 days) it was supposed to be around 9 and it was at 5.5.. but then she tried to move baby boy around and she found a “pocket” and measured again and it was 7.7.. she said that either my doctor would have me come back in 24 hours after drinking lots of water to measure again or Monday and I said I would rather come back tomorrow because I have read many things about low fluids 😩

Could it be from baby boy being so curled up? He is breech still laying his head on my left side in my ribs. He is 3 lbs 5 oz.

BUT when I spoke to the actual doctor they sent in one I had never spoke to before and she said everything looked great, baby and fluid. I said they just said it was low and she had to go back and look at my charts? And then she measured me and said I was measuring beautifully at 31 weeks. 1.5 weeks ahead. And said if my fluids are low I’m measuring good? I’m just confused and worried now and any thing with anyone else with experience like this would help me out 😅😩