Longish rant lazy baby

So I officially have a “lazy baby”. I know that seems silly but it’s true. I am 29 weeks and in the past week and a half I have been monitored 3 times at L&D and went for a special sonogram to watch the baby’s movements and have my growth scan and he’s completely fine. I do everything I can to try to get him moving and he doesn’t respond to anything.. he moves when he wants and it’s not strong or frequent. It’s so frustrating that this is his norm because I have such anxiety and this is just making it so much worse. I can’t keep going to the hospital because it’s expensive and at this point probably not necessary but I just hate not being able to experience an active baby or just consistent movements and I can’t enjoy my pregnancy. Is anyone going through anything similar or am I the odd one out? I just need these next 10 weeks to fly because I am so done with this intense stress :(