Early pregnancy or pms


Me and my bf had sex on the 5th and 6th of the month. On the 8th i had watery discharge and my app said that was my "fertile window" week. For about a week and a half i have been nauseous throughout the day pretty much everyday(not throwing up though). Ive also been really tired and yawning like every 5 minutes. My boobs have been sore as well and i have been really hungry most of the time. Im not sure if its pms or not but i don't remember ever being nauseous before period like this or tired this much...especially almost 2 weeks before expected period. I took test 4 days before expected period got a negative. Took it again today (2 days before expected) and negative again. Ive also been really bloated and burping a lot and i never ever had that before(this is all day as well no matter what i eat or drink). Any ideas which it is?

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