Bfn or Af day :( 5 things to help get through it...

Hey ladies, just wanted to give you guys some ideas to help you through the time when you get your AF and know the journey is over for another month... I've been TTC for over two years AF came today and I thought of some positive things to get me through another month. Hope this is helpful for some of you
5 things to do to help get over a bfn
1. Take some time out to grieve. No matter how long you have been trying to conceive the day you get your period is a disappointing one :( make some time for yourself to process your feelings. You deserve it.
2. Have a hot bath with some Epsom salts and essential oils (something you can't do when you are pregnant)
3. Eat some sushi, deli meats, soft serve and drink some red wine. Enjoy these things because pregnant women can't have them.
4. Have a date night with your husband. You don't need to worry about expressing milk or a baby sitter you two can just drop everything and jump in the car and have an adventure :)
5. Do something to pamper you! Maybe get your hair or nails done, a spa treatment or just a coffee with a friend. It will help you feel better give you an instant boost
Remember everything is temporary. You won't feel like this forever. Things will change