I'm torn

Grace • Grace • endo warrior • Christian • in love ❤️

Hey ladies,

I have a problem.

My boyfriend and I are saving sex for marriage. Done some other stuff, but saving the best for last, and we still have rules and boundaries. We share a bed when we're together because we live in separate towns and it can be hard to see each other if we don't. But we have pretty strict "clothes on" rules. Mostly.

We are both Christian, but I definitely have a stronger relationship with God. We both are aware of this.

My boyfriend has already had sex. Not like heaps, but for him, "waiting" isn't such a big deal.

I am adamant that I want to wait.

He wants to live together before we get married.

I want to get married before we live together.

I love him so much, and I see a future with him. He makes me so happy. We are so good together, and he fits in so well with my family.

I am so in love and now I am terrified that this is going to be a problem for us. Me not wanting to love together before we're married, and him wanting to.

The way I see it, we should not really "live like we're married" before we are.

I also don't want to make such a huge commitment and have him go "Nah this isn't working". And he said "but marriage is a bigger commitment".

But I think that when you get married you are not just committing to them, but you are committing to the relationship regardless of what comes up. Sure, it might take some getting used to living together. Sure we might argue a bit over finances, or over different things, but I don't want that to be "an easy out" if we are living together and not married. I'm not trying to hold him captive lol I just want to be sure that we love each other, and we are making a conscious decision to make it work, no matter what comes our way.

I'm also concerned that if we live together, that we'll have sex. Because being in such close proximity all the time will be dangerous 😂

Please help ladies