help! I’m afraid of being judged!


is it dumb to want to change my name?? I can remember wanting to change my name since I was little, but lately it’s been bothering me more and more. I was looking into it and read in an article about how we can choose what to do with our hair, our clothes, and our style but we are given a name before we even know ourselves and are expected to not want to change it- I really felt that! I’ve even looked into how to legally change my name but it seems like a lot of work for something that I’m not sure is dumb or not. there’s nothing wrong with my name I just don’t feel like it’s “me”! I feel a different name describes me better but I don’t want to offend my parents, have people question me etc. like would it be too weird telling my friends and family to call me something different? would people make fun of me? or should I just go for it??