Humanity Question

I'm sure this has been asked before, in a different manner, but I can't seem to find the post to see what the general consensus was so my apologies if you have answered this before.

In my country, there is an estimated 200k homeless people. That's just an estimation. They spend their lives sleeping in store fronts, on the streets of the CBDs (we don't have many actual homes/ apartments in the CBDs here, majority of people live in the suburbs or informal settlements).

Just as a matter of interest, the US has an estimated homeless population of just under 600k, the UK of just over 300k and Australia has the least of just over 100k.

My point with adding figures, is that this is obviously a wide scale problem and our governments aren't doing enough. There are not enough shelters and churches for these poor folks to take refuge in at night, or from the elements.

The other post asked about how people feel about homeless people setting up their tents and that on the streets, I can't remember what people thought of it.

My take on it is that there's no where else for these people to go, and the tent or the tarp they set up between the trees and behind the buildings could mean the difference between freezing to death or soaking the only pair of clothes they have. Regardless if we're living in a four bedroom house or a bachelor unit or even just renting a room somewhere, we're still luckier than those people and it just takes one or two unfortunate events for us to end up in the same place.

What are your feelings on it?

*Reason why I ask is that I'm thinking of starting a project to get the homeless all the same kinds of tents so at least it's one uniform look on the streets and different and messy. But I want to know if the public in general would consider it enabling them to stay (not like they have anywhere else to go, obviously) or if they'd have a bit of compassion and understanding and try embrace something that could literally mean someone's life.

@Kat thank you.

@Crystal, sorry you went through that. My goal would be to make things neater so people aren't so annoyed by the homeless' presence. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have names embroidered onto the tents so there's no mistake.