How do you know if it’s the baby or gas

Brooklynn • happily married, Rainbow Baby 🌈 born November 08,2019. 👼🏻 RIP Angel Baby

I just wanna feel my baby soo bad after our missed miscarriage I have been so nervous I wish I could just feel his or her heartbeat beating so I knew they were okay. I am 13 weeks, and the recently the past week and a half I’ll feel these jabs on the left side of my belly and it’s super small and quick and it’s a different kind of feeling I have never felt before. But idk is it just my body growing or is it the baby? I know the little thing is super active cause every ultrasound it’s grabbing it’s toes and wiggling around even the tech was like that’s one hyper baby 😚 lol so I am hoping I’ll be able to feel it soon!