I just need to get this off my chest . . .

I’ve been with my husband for almost 4 years (including dating and being engaged) and we decided that we were ready to try for a baby. We were both over the moon excited for this part of our lives and within the first try we got pregnant, I was so happy I cried and kinda went crazy on buying baby stuff. Then our relationship started to change, he was starting to resent the fact that I had to cut back at work to qualify for Medicaid so we didn’t go into debt having a baby. Just snide remarks and hurt almost multiple times every day. We don’t communicate the way we use to, I don’t feel loved the way I use to, I don’t think I love him the way I use to either. Thinking about the future I’m not sure our marriage is something that is going to last, hell I don’t even know if I want it to last. I’ve been really thinking that I don’t want to be that girl that brings a baby into an unloving home where no one is happy. I also don’t want to be “stuck” with having him in my life, even if we get a divorce I still have to see this man and let him be apart of my life for the next 18 to 20 years. I don’t want to bring a baby into what I was raised with, a broken home with parents who don’t love each other but try to work it out for the kids and end up making everyone miserable and eventually divorcing and creating a toxic coparenting relationship making the kids suffer. I’m no longer happy that I’m pregnant. In fact I feel guilty that I’m bringing a baby into this and I want to get an abortion. . . I feel even more guilty that I want to get an abortion after trying so hard to get pregnant ( every over the counter things that said it could help me get pregnant I used and it worked). I just am so stuck.