Do I have a right to be pissed??


So my boyfriend recently lost his job due to the company closing down their branch in our state. He knew about 3 weeks ago and his last day was about 1 week ago. He applied for another job but didn’t get it. He’s been in a funk lately so I’ve tried to be super understanding. He rescheduled our date last week and when we got together he was apologetic and said it wasn’t fair that I had to deal with the brunt of his mood etc. Then this week he cancelled dinner with my mom (albeit not the best timing for him to have our first formal meet up with her but he’s technically known her for years so I didn’t think it’d be a big deal). He decided to go out of town next week and I asked if I could see him before he left and he said absolutely, though no official plans were made. Today I texted him and asked if he had plans tomorrow. He calls me about 2hours later from his car saying that he was on his way out of town to go canyoneering with his uncle/cousins. When he asked what I was up to this weekend and I told him “nothing because I have the whole weekend off of work” (uncommon for me since I work in a hospital), his reply was “oh damn I feel like a jerk I should’ve invited you, I’m so sorry”. I’m pissed and hurt. He literally didn’t even tell me he was leaving town until he was already several hours into the drive. And now idk when I’ll get to see him next. Do I have a right to be pissed? How do I approach him about my feelings without sounding like the crazy girlfriend??