Is my period a “normal” period?

My girlfriends would talk about their monthly, and I would just sit there and listen bc they dont go through what I do. 😩

I have PAINFUL cramps on the first day, and then my cycle lasts for about 4-5 days, which is 3 days of blood and the other 2 for spotting.

It was bearable (well still is) until after I lost my virginity, cycle goes up to lasting for basically a WEEK! And the first day is still the worst day because the pain also goes to my feet and cramps are basically from my pelvis to my lower stomach.

I havent exactly discussed with anyone besides my family, but they think I should ask a doctor. Is it that serious? I dont take any meds besides the usual aleve/ibuprofen and no BC. I can still function throughout the day.. 🤨🤨