Paying off debts


*screams* aaaah! I’ve had a credit card for amazon for more than 4 years not. Was going good. But then I stopped making payments and it got closed.


My limit is 3500

I maxed it to 4000

Brought it down to 1500-1779


Haven’t made a payment in like a year.

I finally got my tax’s this year.

Less than 700.

But. I’ve been getting decent hours at work and ended up with 1018 In the bank.

So I took maybe a big gamble and made a 800$ payment.

Zoinks. Kind of scared on if that will bite me In the butt or not.

But it will not be under 1000.

And I’ve been having extra money by the time payday comes out. So I think. If I make 100$ payments at least once a month I’ll have the whole thing paid off before I know it.

That’s if I don’t get fired so killing my incompetent co workers