Carrying to Term

Brittany • Girl Mama

I didn’t think I’d make it this far in my pregnancy. Today marks 23 weeks carrying Everly. 23 whole weeks carrying our third daughter. I’m blessed being able to say that. 23 weeks is something I didn’t think I’d see this pregnancy. At 12 weeks Everly was diagnosed with two disorders which are considered “not compatible with life.” Alobar Holoprosencephaly & Trisomy 13. At 19 weeks we learned she has a hole in her heart. There’s a high chance she won’t make it to full term or she’ll be still born because labor might be too stressful. If she’s born alive I’ll most likely have hours or days with her. Most don’t understand it and that’s ok. This is the hardest time in my life but I also feel so much joy. I’m blessed being able to conceive. I’m blessed with another daughter. I’m blessed with life. I feel her kick all the time and her heartbeat is so strong. I’ve seen her play with her little toes and bounce around in my tummy. She’s brought us so much joy and she’s truly changed the meaning of life for us. I don’t know how much longer I have with her but I’m cherishing every second. I’m talking as many bump pictures as I can and I’m documenting it all on our YouTube channel. Here’s to another week carrying you baby girl! We love you so much Evy! 💗