My 2 year anniversary post (Rough draft)



Happy 2 year anniversary. I can't believe how fast these 2 years have gone. It seems as if they have just flew by. It doesn't seem like it has been as long as it has. But over these past 2 years, so much has happened. I fell in love for the first time ever. I learned so much about myself as a person these past 2 years. I learned that I had so much more potential than I thought before I met you. And after that first time I told you that I loved you, something just clicked, and I knew that you were the one person I would never want to lose. And after these past 2 years, that feeling has just grown so much stronger. I never want to lose you. In fact, I've known for a long time now that you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. You've helped me in so many ways. And you've helped me realize the kind of life I truly want to live. Not just because the life we live now is beneficial to me, but because it is beneficial to our family. I knew only after a few months of being with you that one day I would have kids with you. Because I only wanted you to be the father of any kids I birthed. And I'm very glad we waited as lomg as we did before we tried to get pregnant for the first time, because that gave us time to plan and prepare for a baby before we had a baby. And now we habe a happy, healthy, smart 4 month old son together. And one day we will have even more kids, and get married, and have a great family. I can't wait to have a big family and be able to live the rest of my life with you by my side. You're my bestfriend. You're my rock. You're my safe place. You're the love of my life. You're the person who pushed me to reach my goals and get healthy. You even got healthy with me. And I'm so happy that we have our very happy, healthy family. Which never would have come about if you hadn't found me. Thank you for taking the time to meet me and getting to know me. These past 2 years with you have been absolutely incredible., and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I'm looking forward to the many years to come. I love you so much. Just like I love Ehsan and any other children we have. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you



My boyfriend and I got together May 5th, 2017. And I wanted to make him a post. So this is what came up off the top of my head.

Does it sound okay? Is it too cheesy?