Is this a coincidence or do I have something making me sick.....29 weeks.

For the past two days I have had poops that accompany stomach pain like diarrhea would, but only this morning at 4:00AM did I actually get horrid diarrhea that woke me up out of my sleep with stomach pain & cramping.

someone please help me out here I feel like fucking dying.

Could these possibly be the cause? Which one is more likely?

-I had many boiled eggs yesterday and the last few days (not normal for me)

-last night I took a few bites of my fiancé’s Elote (corn in a cup) which he got from a gas station, not from where we live.

- yesterday I let goats mouths touch/nibble my hand (bc cute) and later on ate with my hands and licked my fingers (forgetting I didn’t wash them, gross I know, f’ing barf..😭🤮)

-Yesterday I ate hotdogs at an ag celebration and of course since it’s an event idk how long they were cooked but they looked well cooked to me.

-yesterday I as well had cookies, sodas , and brownies, microwaveable macaroni cups, & pizza. (Unhealthy)

- A few days ago I had a run in with helping an inured turtle to a safe spot and blood got on my hands but I washed them about 6 minutes after that happened (as soon as I could) so possibly I am experiencing salmonella or a parasite etc?

These are everything I could think of that could possibly trigger diarrhea..

This morning my stomach is still hurting as well....🤮🤮🤮🤮