Husband watching lot of porn while I am pregnant with his baby.

My husband has been watching a lot of porn and master bating . I am almost 10 weeks pregnant with his second child. This is disturbing me a lot. When I ask him are you jerking he says no and gives different reasons. He also gets angry quickly if cross questioned. He is kind of a person who marks boundaries. I am feeling hurt. Is this normal?

My another question is - Being pregnant can you eat anything and everything? Can you drink whatever you want? Don’t your body gets bigger and your spouse has good body? Can you master bate or have sex anytime you want? Do your nausea, vomiting and constipation getting a toll on your mind and body? Are you tired whole day? Are you able to sleep peacefully? Is your body free of pain? Are you able to color your hair and go crazy with styles? Do you look beautiful in everybody’s eyes? Is there a chance your spouse may loose interest in you or in having sex with you? Is pregnancy emotionally and physically challenging for you? Is anything original and pre-pregnancy left in you? Does your labor sound great?

Even if nothing of this is possible in pregnancy, I truly believe we women and mothers are truest powerful creation of God. We are beautiful and have enormous strength but we still have to recognize it. I tell that to myself always.

Now is it fair for a man to enjoy while his pregnant partner can’t? Is it ok to master bate when a pregnant wife can’t ? Is it ok to go and party when his wife can’t always? Is the child only of wife? Should the sacrifice be done by only wife?

What are everyone’s opinions about this?